Aura - Reviewed & Compared


Offering 3 digital safety plans, Aura does an excellent job delivering a broad range of features and protections, including financial fraud protection, online and device security (VPN, Antivirus, and parental control apps), and identity restoration services.

Company Overview

Aura takes a proactive approach to identity theft protection by combining advanced technology and human expertise. They provide real-time monitoring of personal information, including social media and online accounts, to detect potential threats. Aura also offers identity restoration services to assist users in recovering from identity theft incidents.

MORE: What's the Best Identity Theft Service for Your Needs?

What They Do Best:

Aura excels in providing advanced digital security solutions to protect individuals from identity theft and online threats. Their comprehensive monitoring covers a wide range of data points and their technology is designed to detect and prevent potential breaches. Their identity restoration services provide valuable assistance in case of identity theft incidents.

MORE: What's the Best Identity Theft Service for Your Needs?

Any Negatives?

One potential drawback of Aura is that their services may be more focused on digital security and may not provide as extensive coverage for other areas such as credit monitoring. Additionally, some users may find the cost of their services to be relatively higher compared to other options in the market.

What Others Are Saying

Customers appreciate Aura's advanced technology and the level of protection it offers against identity theft and online threats. The real-time monitoring and identity restoration services are often praised for their effectiveness. However, there may be occasional concerns about the pricing structure or the scope of coverage provided by their services.

Our Final Verdict: 0/10

Aura offers advanced digital security solutions like password management and VPN with Safe Browsing to protect individuals from identity theft and online threats. Their proactive monitoring and identity restoration services make them a strong choice for those seeking comprehensive digital protection. While the pricing may be higher for some users, Aura's emphasis on advanced technology and expertise sets them apart in the identity theft service market.